Seersucker Social

The Seersucker Soical Bike Ride
Seersucker Social Bike Ride 2010 in Washington DC.  Photo by Kevin Carroll
I will be heading down to DC this weekend on assignment for The Chap, along with Journalist Natty Adams.  This will be my first Seersucker Social, and first chance to meet the Dandies and Quaintrelles of DC.   If you are in the area come down and join in the fun - how can you resist?

Here is a charming video to show you what the day has in store:

The Seersucker Social from Brandon Bloch on Vimeo.

Vintage Elegance with Robert E. Bryan

Robert E. Bryan at home, NYC, April 2011
I met Robert E. Bryan thru Sean Crowley, who thought that Robert's impeccable style and exquisite collection of vintage would make for a great addition to the project.  Mr. Bryan is the author of American Fashion Menswear, and was the men's fashion director of the NY Times Magazine, the men's editor at W, fashion editor of Men's Wear Magazine, and fashion director of 'M' magazine.  The Trad did a great extended interview with Robert when his book came out  - much better words than I will even attempt!

I can only tell you that I was just a wide eyed observer trying to take in all the glorious details - the art, the clothes, the jewelry, the furniture, the books, the records!  I am a great appreciator of Art Deco and vintage modern from early 20th Century, so I was in awe.  Mr. Bryan has collected for 30 plus years - and at times when not many others had an eye for these gems - so he has the cream of the crop, folks.  Matt Fox of Fine and Dandy accompanied me to witness the splendor...

Let's just take a moment to look at his outfits, shall we?


Notice the horizontal stripes.  White linen.  Tie bar is from 1939 NY World's Fair.









Next up are more shots of the interiors and collections!

Dapper Lou


Meet Ludget Delcy, the multi-talented creator of the men's fashion and street style blog Dapper Lou.  Matt Fox of joined me for the visit, and wrote up a dandy profile.  I was surprised to find out that Ludget creates his outfits from the ground first!  I love it.  And check out his post about these new bright yellow babies from Paul Smith he bought.




Tools of the blogger trade, as found.




Champagne with Mr. Burton

Mr. Burton on his birthday, April 2011
Last weekend we went out to Mr. Burton's oassis in Queens for a little champagne brunch to help him celebrate his birthday.   It was lovely - he made quiche for us and we drank mimosas and had delicious cheese and fresh strawberries.  Towards the evening I finally got to see his bedroom, and knew I had to make his portrait there, on the bed.   How could I resist?

Champagne in the sunroom
Uncle Julius and his jewels

Fine & Dandy at the Brooklyn Flea


On Sunday I visited my friends from at the Brooklyn Flea in Williamsburg.  You can  check them out again on Sat, May 14 they will be selling their summery men's accessories for dapper guys at the Fort Greene Flea.