Soirée Impériale


When someone asks me, "Would you like to go to a royalty event?" I always say YES.

Please enjoy these photos from the Soirée Impériale, a party to celebrate 400 years of the Romanoff Dynasty and the Russian New Year held at the Racquet and Tennis Club in Manhattan.  It was formal event, but I love how some of the men had their own take on formalwear - plus their unique badges of course.  A few of the ladies were wearing a designer's (name to come) interpretation of royal court costumes, which I thought were quite lovely.

Thank you to Edward di Lamporecchio, and the very sweet Princess Lucretia Obolensky for having me!  You can view full set of photos here.

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Edward di Lamporecchio

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Prince Rostislav Romanoff - His bow tie had little skull and cross bones!

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I am Dandy at Dapper Day in LA!

It's fine and dandy at the #jazzagelawnparty @finendandyshop

Have you heard of Dapper Day?

It is the event where over ten thousand people visit Disneyland just for the purposes of wearing their "Sunday best"!  Yes, you heard it right, thousands of people simply want to dress up nice and have a good time.  For the upcoming Dapper Day festivities in Los Angeles Feb 22-23 Natty and I were invited by founder Justing Jorgensen to have a party for I am Dandy which will include a talk and Q&A, cocktails, shoeshines by John Allan's, and various give aways for the "most dandy" of the crowd.

"Let's Talk Dandy" was just announced for Saturday Febuary 22, 2014 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm.
It's free and open to all, but you MUST RSVP

We will be out in LA for a few extra days, and I'm curious about meeting more dandies out there...if you have any recommends please let me know at dandyportraits at gmail.  Be sure to follow me on instagram @rcallahanphoto to see the journey

Photo of Enrique of at the Jazz Age Lawn Party, 2012